League of Legends game director Pu Liu has confirmed that not only does Riot have the capabilities to increase detection of soft inting, but it’s also looking at ways to punish transgressors.
Soft inting is apparently “a large problem in the game,” Liu tweets as part of his announcement. This term covers players who don’t lose games on purpose but don’t contribute to a win. Instead of interacting with other players in a team fight or the objective, they tend to farm sidelanes and just generally switch off focus. Players can do this for various reasons. It may be that someone on their team made them angry, so they want to stop them from winning, or they just give up too quickly and can’t be bothered to try for the rest of the match.
It can be hard to distinguish between players who are soft inting and those who are just not very good at the game, but the higher up the elos you climb, the more obvious it can become. This is why it was previously hard to ban accounts for soft inting as Riot’s security software Vanguard couldn’t distinguish between genuine players and soft inters. However, it looks like this is about to change.
“Now that we have machine…